Avera@Home Home Medical Equipment Marshall

Avera Mission

Avera is a health ministry rooted in the Gospel. Our mission is to make a positive impact in the lives and health of persons and communities by providing quality services guided by Christian values.

Avera Vision

Working with its partners, Avera shall provide a quality, cost-effective health ministry which reflects Gospel values. We shall improve the health care of the people we serve through a regionally integrated network of persons and institutions.

Avera Values

  • Compassion: The compassion of Jesus, especially for the poor and the sick of body and spirit, shapes the manner in which Avera’s employees, physicians, administrators, volunteers and sponsors deliver health care. We express compassionate care through sensitive listening and responding, understanding, patience, support and healing touch.
  • Hospitality: Jesus’ encounters with individuals were typified by openness and mutuality. The Avera community expresses hospitality by means of a welcoming presence, attentiveness to needs and a gracious manner, seasoned with a sense of humor.
  • Stewardship: Threaded through the mission of Jesus was the restoration of all the world to right relationship with its Creator. In that same spirit and mission, the members of Avera treat persons, organizational power and Earth’s resources with justice and responsibility. Respect, truth and integrity are foundational to right relationships among those who serve and those who are served.